Gabrielle Cummins 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Gabrielle Cummins

Gabrielle grew up in Perth and studied Science and Commerce during her undergraduate degree at The University of Western Australia (UWA). She has researched cetaceans in Western Australia and completed a project on humpback whale distribution in Nickol Bay on the North West Shelf. Gabrielle was a Research Assistant at the Centre for Marine Futures at the UWA Oceans Institute for 2 years working on a range of projects in benthic habitat mapping and fish assemblages across temperate and tropical marine ecosystems. Gabrielle completed a Master of Science in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management with her thesis focussing on declining sea ice in the Arctic marine environment and the implications for marine biodiversity. She worked as a marine science consultant at BMT for 6+ years, gaining experience in environmental impact assessment, environmental compliance monitoring, aquaculture projects and marine megafauna monitoring. She was part of the Global Mobility Program at BMT and worked for the UK Environment team in Aberdeen for 1 year on decommissioning in oil and gas. Gabrielle started her PhD in September 2020, which explores marine biodiversity reporting and recreational use of the ocean with application to ocean accounts.

Abstracts this author is presenting: