Edward CV Butler 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Edward CV Butler

I am currently an independent researcher and occasional consultant. After a postdoc at NRCC Atlantic Research Laboratory in Halifax, Nova Scotia, I was at the CSIRO Marine Laboratories in Hobart for about 27 years (Postdoctoral Fellow to Principal Research Scientist). This was followed by seven years as Science Leader – Northern Territory (and Officer-in-Charge), Australian Institute of Marine Science in Darwin. Finally, I was a Scientific Officer with the Environmental Defenders Office in Hobart (2022–2024). AMSA activities have included Chair of the Organising Committee for the 2017 conference in Darwin and as a past member of the National Council. RESEARCH INTERESTS: Biogeochemistry of nutrients and micronutrients, and trace elements in marine waters; redox chemistry in natural waters; chemical oceanography; estuarine ecology; environmental pollutants

Abstracts this author is presenting: