Eloise Carr 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Eloise Carr

Eloise Carr, Director, the Australia Institute Tasmania Eloise is a policy and governance professional and former public servant who now leads the Tasmanian branch of the Australia Institute, one of the country’s most influential public policy think tanks. Eloise currently focuses on democracy and environmental sustainability in Tasmania. Among her previous roles, she spent 8 years on the Australian delegation to the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources; part of the Antarctic Treaty system. She has also developed and implemented policy for state and federal governments on integrated ocean management, marine conservation, sustainable fisheries, and to address the impacts of climate change. Eloise has always sought to elevate the role of science in public policy and to focus on evidence-based decision making. Eloise has also worked in breast cancer research, as an independent consultant, and co-founded the Tasmanian Independent Science Council. She is a keen sailor and is currently raising a puppy for Guide Dogs Tasmania.

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