Sandra Ger 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Sandra Ger

Hello, my name is Sandra Ger, I am a proud Angkamuthi woman with family ties to the Island Nation of Moa in the Torres Strait. I am a newly appointed director with Ipima Ikaya Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC, representing my tribal group of the Angkamuthi people of the West Coast and the Seven Rivers of Northern Cape York, Far North Queensland. Our tribal lands depicted on this seasonal calendar took the perception of an aerial sea view that looks onto the landscape showcasing our seven distinct rivers that flows naturally through our country. These seven (7) rivers consist of the Jardine River, the Crystel Creek, the Cotterell Creek, the Doughboy River, the MacDonald River, the Jackson River and the Skardon River which makes up the southern length of our Angkamuthi country and extends from the south bank of the Jardine River down to the Skardon River. Our clan’s country also extends further up north and begins at Peak Point (located near the northernmost point of the Australian continent) down the west coast to the Jardine River and onwards to the Skardon river. Unfortunately, this northern part of our country is currently under a claimant dispute with our neighboring clan group in the Northern Peninsular region. Learning and understanding about my Aboriginality, along with our cultural LORE, customs, traditions, protocols and practices, has always been an aspiration of mine growing up. I was culturally emersed in the Torres Strait Islander ways due to being around my mother’s side of the family, but now thanks to employment and the honor of being elected as a director of the IIAC RNTBC, I can now proudly say that I am following my father’s footsteps in representing our tribal nation, the Angkamuthi people. I am truly privileged to lead this project alongside my fellow clan director, Ms. Fanny Solomon and it has been an honor getting to know culture and the benefits that comes with it when implemented correctly throughout our cultural governances. Representing and presenting my clan's culture through this seasonal calendar brings me such a meaningful level of joy and I am truly gracious to share this opportunity with my fellow Traditional Owners that are here presenting with me today. I want to thank the Marine Parks for their funding support towards making this calendar possible for my clan group and with special acknowledgement to, Frances Verrier and Louise Fava from the Marine Parks. Finally, we’re super honored of having the privileged of working with the most talented ecologist and graphic designer, Mr. David Fell & Lorina Beatriz, who have produced and illustrated our clan’s cultural knowledge into this seasonal calendar and in my eyes it's such a masterpiece. Thank you kindly and sincerely, Sandra Ger – Ipima Ikaya Aboriginal Corporation Director and Project Officer - Angkamuthi Marine Seasonal Calendar

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