Valeriya Komyakova 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Valeriya Komyakova

Dr Valeriya Komyakova is an environmental scientist who aims to understand and manage human impacts on the marine environment and has a strong solution development focus. She has an extensive national and international collaborative network and employs interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches in her work. Dr. Komyakova is a fish-habitat associations expert with over 18 years’ experience in this field. She has developed artificial reef designs that have demonstrated potential to elevate reef performance as habitats. Dr Komyakova targets highly applicable and innovative research directions. For example, her research was the first to demonstrate potential ecological trap formation due to artificial reef deployments and pathways towards mitigation of this impact through improved reef design options. Valeriya has worked on projects investigating recruitment dynamics of commercially important fish species, impacts of pollution on invertebrate and fish populations and co-lead a National Environmental Science Program (NESP) project that reviewed current state of knowledge on microplastic pollution and provided policy and management advise on future directions.

Abstracts this author is presenting: