Keith Hayes 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Keith Hayes

Dr. Keith Hayes is a senior research scientist at CSIRO Data61, and leads the Data61 Ecological and Environmental Risk Assessment (DEERA) team in the Hobart laboratories. The team conducts probabilistic risk assessments, and supporting studies, typically for challenging problems across large spatio-temporal scales. Recent applications include risk assessments for genetic control of malaria vectors in Africa (, cumulative risk assessments for offshore wind farms in the Gippsland declared area, and for the impacts of new coal resource developments on water resources and water-dependent assets (, and risk assessments for the spread of antimicrobial resistance ( Dr. Hayes recently assisted Parks Australia develop a Monitoring Evaluation Reporting and Improvement (MERI) framework for Australia’s Marine Parks and has subsequently led projects to assist Parks Australia implement this framework.

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