Nicola Waldron 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Nicola Waldron

Nicola enjoys working collaboratively and championing evidence-based policy and decision making to further protection and sustainable use of our ocean and coasts. Her passion for the ocean and coast led her to complete a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Marine Biology at the University of Liverpool. She went on to obtain a Master of Applied Science in Coastal Management from the University of Sydney, reflecting her interest in the interconnected nature of marine and coastal environments. Nicola has over 20 years of experience applying her marine and coastal science background in a range of technical and leadership roles. With extensive experience in government, she has led and shaped marine and coastal legislation, policy and strategy to advance marine and coastal planning and management, including co-design and implementation of the State of Victoria’s first marine spatial planning framework. As a certified divemaster and keen underwater photographer, Nicola loves to share her passion and knowledge with others to build broad awareness and appreciation of our blue planet. She enjoys adventure travel and has volunteered in remote locations in the Asia-Pacific region.

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