Roseanna Gamlen-Greene 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Roseanna Gamlen-Greene

I am a restoration ecologist who seeks to answer questions that are important for looking after our environment (and people!). A huge part of my ethos is about working with local people where I do my research; asking them what they need, and being accountable to those communities. I use a range of tools - e.g. population genomics, field work and experimental ecology, species distribution models, and stable isotope ecology. I am very passionate about science communication and connecting my research results to land managers and the public. I am currently a researcher at the University of Otago working on various ecological restoration projects with and for hapori Māori and other communities of people. One of my current projects is looking at how we can build resilience into our kaimoana (seafood) in the face of warming waters, in collaboration with various community fishery groups.

Abstracts this author is presenting: