Justin J Meager 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Justin J Meager

Justin is a marine ecologist with broad research, teaching and project management experience. Since completing his PhD he has had more than 21 years of experience across academia, government and consulting. Much of his research has focused on applied problems in conservation, fisheries and aquaculture, in regions including Australia, Europe, the Arabian Gulf, Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific. More recently, Justin has worked as an advisor to the offshore energy and renewables industries, helping to mitigate and avoid impacts on marine fauna. He has authored 100 scientific articles/major reports/book chapters on topics including marine mammals, fishes, marine turtles, birds and marine invertebrates; and the impacts of water quality, pollution, aquaculture, floods and noise on fauna. He has acted as an expert reviewer on grant applications, reports, regulations, strategic documents, EIAs and on 98 scientific articles https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-meager-54b62616/

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