Standard Presentation 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Who is being engaged? Creating collaborative opportunities for the entire community (#478)

Natalie Murphy 1 , Kristi Watts 2 , Emily Beres 3 , Zoe Brittain 1 , Jody Dalton-Walsh 4 , Prue Francis 3 , Alecia Bellgrove 1
  1. Deakin University, Warrnambool, VICTORIA, Australia
  2. Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative, Geelong, VIC, Australia
  3. Deakin University, Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia
  4. Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative, Geelong, Victoria, Australia

There is growing interest and push for more meaningful engagement with Indigenous peoples, communities and organisations within the research space. Often this process can prioritise certain kinds of engagement with certain types of community members, in particular those already well connected to the environmental management space, potentially leaving out capacity building and involvement of the wider community. The DeakinSeaweed/Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-op seaweed culture revitalisation project was developed to be community facing, with opportunities for all Indigenous community members to participate and develop their skills, connections and understandings. Broad engagement is key to the revitalisation and continuation of cultural knowledge and resilience within community. Natalie Murphy is a proud Gunditjmara and Wadawurrung woman and will be highlighting the ways in which the ways the project prioritised and supported the engagement of, in particular, women and Aboriginal peopleĀ on a journey to reconnect to culture.