Standard Presentation 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Kaartdijin wongi - Knowledge that speaks: informing the management of the Geographe Marine Park on Wadandi Country (#417)

Wayne Webb 1 , Iszaac Webb 1 , Toni Webb 1 , Tim Langlois 2 , Matthew Navarro 2 , Nicole Middleton 3 , Jacquomo Monk 4 , Piers Dunstan 5
  1. Undalup Association, Margaret River, WA, Australia
  2. The University of Western Australia, Margaret River, WESTERN AUSTRALIA, Australia
  3. Marine Parks Branch - Parks Australia, Kingston, TAS, Australia
  4. University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS, Australia
  5. CSIRO, Battery Point, TAS 7004

In collaboration with the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub and Parks Australia, Wadandi knowledge holders and Cultural Rangers are leading the presentation of cultural, historical and modern biodiversity data to provide guidance to the future management of the Australian Marine Park with Wadan Wattern or Geographe Bay.

In this presentation, Wadandi knowledge holders will demonstrate how cultural and historical guidance on ecosystem components for the Geographe Marine Park on Wadandi country, can provide context for managing the cultural and ecosystem features within the Australian Marine Parks into the future.

NESP Marine and Coastal Hub researchers will also show how this cultural guidance complements and supports place-based training using NESP Field manuals for marine sampling to monitor Australian waters.

Wadandi, People of the Sea, are the Custodians for the far southwest region of this continent, with obligations to protect, manage and monitor their Sea Country. This collaboration is guiding the design and providing practical assistance to the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub Project 4.20 “Science to inform the monitoring of the Australian Marine Parks” and 4.21 “Assessing the condition of natural values within priority temperate Australian Marine Parks to evaluate management effectiveness”.