Standard Presentation 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Diverse fish communities across Marra Sea Country (#416)

Shaun Evans 1 , Timothy Smith 2 , David Barrett 1 , Alex Carter 2 , Catherine Collier 2 , Rachel Groom 3 , Emma Lawrence 4 , Frances Verrier 5
  1. li-Anthawirriyarra Sea Rangers, Mabunji Aboriginal Resource Indigenous Corporation, Borroloola, Northern Territory, Aus
  2. TropWater, James Cook University, Cairns, QUEENSLAND, Australia
  3. Northern Institute, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Northern Territory, Aus
  4. Data61, CSIRO, Dutton Park, Qld, Aus
  5. North Marine Park Network, Parks Australia, Canberra, ACT, Aus

Marine habitats of the southern Gulf of Carpentaria are ecologically and culturally significant, supporting traditional, commercial, and recreational fisheries. It is crucial to manage these areas to maintain ecosystem health and continue cultural connection. Recent large-scale habitat surveys of Marra Sea Country (including the Limmen Marine Park (Commonwealth) and Limmen Bight Marine Park (NT)), mapped diverse marine habitats, including seagrass, algae, coral and sponge gardens. However, there is limited Western knowledge of the demersal fish communities these habitats support. A survey of demersal fish communities across Marra Sea Country was developed and undertaken among li-Anthawirriyarra rangers, researchers and park managers using baited remote underwater videos (BRUVS). A total of 108 BRUVS were deployed using a spatially balanced survey design to assess fish species and abundances across the range of habitats. Diverse species were recorded including sharks, rays and commercially important Lutjanids and Lethrinids. Understanding the location, extent, and connectivity of fish communities empowers Traditional Owners in their decision-making and can provide a both-ways knowledge approach to improved management practice in Sea Country.