Speed Presentation 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Bridging the Gap: Science Communication, Ocean Literacy, and Empowering Decision Makers for Effective Action (#215)

Lucy Buxton 1 , Jas Chambers 1
  1. Ocean Decade Australia, Sydney, NSW, Australia


In our rapidly changing world, effective communication plays a pivotal role in promoting ocean literacy and informing decision makers about critical issues impacting our oceans. This session explores the intersection of communication, ocean literacy, and actionable insights for decision makers. Through case studies and best practices, the session will identify key strategies for translating complex ocean science into accessible information to build capability across decision-makers and and foster sustainable stewardship of the ocean and planet. Jas Chambers and Dr Lucy Buxton are strategic advisers who have worked in cross-disciplinary environments both nationally and internationally, and bring a wealth of expertise and insight gained from collaborating with government, the United Nations, and contributing to the UN Ocean Decade initiatives.