Wave observations in shallow coastal waters (nearshore) are essential for calibrating, validating, and improving wave models to predict sediment transport, shoreline change, and coastal hazards, yet despite there being a good coverage of in-situ measurements for deeper ocean waters, data remains sparse for shallower waters (<35 m). This study presents a growing dataset and methodology of in-situ wave buoy observations from shallow coastal waters in New South Wales (NSW) (southeast Australia). The data collected and processed as part of this program is freely available, but it also is used to calibrate, validate and develop an updated nearshore wave tool, which provides accurate, high-resolution wave data along the entire nearshore (< 30m depth) of the NSW coast. This paper will also describe the underlying model and techniques in developing the wave transformation equations as well as the functionality and limitations of the wave tool and its key outputs. This new wave tool and its functionalities will provide useful information that will help inform coastal planning and management in NSW.