Standard Presentation 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Australian offshore wind energy - finding low conflict pathways (#191)

Corrine Condie 1
  1. CSIRO Environment, Hobart, TAS, Australia

Marine-based socio-ecological conflict has increased rapidly with the expansion of the blue economy. In Australia, this trend is apparent in a range of marine-based industries, including the emerging offshore wind energy sector. We have conducted a large Tasmanian state-wide survey to measure stakeholder perceptions relating to the effectiveness of offshore wind energy in slowing climate change and their attitudes towards the proposed Bass Strait offshore wind area. We investigate the drivers and dynamics of this conflict exploring the concepts of intergenerational equity, green-on-green, the rise of blue communities, and NIMBYism. Implications for finding low-conflict pathways for the sector, including a preliminary evaluation of policies and strategies aimed at minimising stakeholder conflict will be discussed.