Standard Presentation 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Up to Date Wave Conditions and Impactful Events Around Australia (#197)

Marites Canto 1 , Salman Khan 2
  1. Environment, CSIRO, Townsville, Queensland, Australia
  2. Environment, CSIRO, Aspendale, Victoria, Australia

Marine data visualisation digital resource like the IMOS (Integrated Marine Observing System) OceanCurrent helps communicate up to date ocean information around Australia. The recently added OceanCurrent Surface Waves (OCSW) product on the platform provides a snapshot of surface wave conditions around Australia. OCSW integrates information from the IMOS AODN (Australian Ocean Data Network) Portal’s national wave archive and a near real time feed of available national wave buoy observations. As such, OCSW is a unique infrastructure which could support the emerging focus on national coastal wave observations. OCSW presents an opportunity to gain insights into the behaviour and characteristics of surface waves during impactful events such as extreme coastal wave conditions and cyclone. Here, we highlight where OCSW product was able to capture several impactful wave events around Australia since its inception including high waves produced by East coast lows, tropical cyclones, and Southern Ocean storms. We note that the product is planned to be enhanced with the addition of new wave-measuring satellites and in-situ platforms, improvement of existing satellite wave data, and addition of new features (i.e., restrospectively examine buoy wave record) which would only improve the value of this resource in activities centred on coastal wave observations.