Studies identifying marine animal foraging habitats and hotspots often include satellite remote sensing chlorophyll data. However, these data exclude Deep Chlorophyll Maxima (DCM), which are frequently observed in the intermittent-oligotrophic West Australian marine environment and may support higher trophic levels. Drawing from established relationships between surface and depth-integrated chlorophyll measurements within the euphotic zone (down to PAR1%) of open ocean and eutrophic coastal margins, we sought to investigate whether similar relationships exist within West Australian waters. We also extended integrations to greater depths to encompass DCMs below PAR1%. Analysing ~9600 IMOS-ANFOG ocean glider profiles confirmed the presence of such relationships off Western Australia, which could be extended to twice the euphotic zone depth (i.e., deep depth-integration). We refined regression parameters for three conditions: 1) stratified waters with biomass maxima in summer-transition months (Sep–Apr); 2) stratified waters in mid-winter (May–Aug) when DCMs are mostly a photo-acclimation maximum; and 3) mixed waters. Mean absolute errors increased for relationships with deep depth-integrated chlorophyll but remained acceptable (max 16.5%). These findings and a seasonal chlorophyll increase unique to deep depth-integrated values underscore the importance of incorporating deep depth-integrated estimates from satellite remote sensing when assessing biologically significant areas and productivity anomalies within intermittent-oligotrophic environments.