Speed Presentation 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Engaging Future Stewards: Ocean Literacy through Visual Storytelling across the Great Southern Reef (#219)

Stefan M Andrews 1
  1. Great Southern Reef Foundation, Ardrossan, SA, Australia


The Great Southern Reef Foundation (GSRF) has pioneered the integration of locally relevant ocean literacy in Australian schools, emphasising the power of visual storytelling paired with thoughtfully designed educational resources. This initiative leverages the latest scientific insights from the Great Southern Reef (GSR), aiming to foster a localised understanding of Australian kelp forests, human impacts, indigenous perspectives, prevailing threats and conservation efforts.

Delving into the transformative impact of these resources on educational practices across the GSR, we draw from a broad spectrum of teacher feedback. We explore the efficacy of our approach in enhancing ocean literacy, from novice educators to seasoned practitioners, and highlight the nuanced understanding of "impact" within this context. This session will illuminate our journey thus far, sharing key lessons and envisioning the future of ocean literacy initiatives. It underscores the critical role of visual narratives in forging a deep connection with our oceans, thereby fostering a sense of stewardship among Australians towards our Great Southern Reef.