Speed Presentation 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

INVESTIGATE: Containerised Immersive Marine Science Cinema for Education & Outreach   (#220)

Ben Arthur 1 , Matt Marrison 1 , Zoe Burton 1 , Venetia Joscelyne 1
  1. CSIRO Marine National Facility, Hobart, TAS, Australia

Launched in 2023, INVESTIGATE is a travelling outreach tool housed in a repurposed shipping container. Designed to inspire, engage and educate, INVESTIGATE is a dynamic, immersive experience encouraging users to explore Australia’s vast marine estate and the key role that marine research plays within it. As an avenue for the Australian public and students to engage in a contemporary way, INVESTIGATE tells the story of Australian marine research and its impact. It is an invitation to dive a little deeper. 

With at sea operations taking RV Investigator to ports around Australia, INVESTIGATE is used alongside the vessel to create a hub for community engagement by capitalising on the invaluable tool that the vessel offers to capture people’s interest. INVESTIGATE also tours museums, educational facilities and festivals and events across the country.  

Here we explore the rationale behind INVESTIGATE, showcase the highlights from the first 12 months of events and provide advice to others on the development of similar creative science education and outreach projects.  

Please note – INVESTIGATE will be available for you to experience at the conference. Just look for the large eye-catching shipping container!