Standard Presentation 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Inherent rights-holders for time immemorial: Reef 2050 Traditional Owner Steering Group, Traditional Owner Taskforce, and Sea Country Alliance for the Great Barrier Reef (#92)

Christine Grant 1 , Christine Grant 1 , Duane Fraser 1 , Malcom Mann 1 , Malachi Johnson 1 , Jessie Courtney 1 , Manuwuri Traceylee Forester 1 , Keron Murray 1 , Gavin Singleton 1 , Liz Wren 1 , Brydy McDonnell 2 , Ariana Magini 2 , Jane Hutchinson 2
  1. ReefTO, Great Barrier Reef , Traditional Owner Taskforce and Steering Group , QLD, Australia
  2. Pollination Foundation, Melbourne

The Great Barrier Reef land and seascapes hold within it our cultural identity. We are some of the many Traditional Custodians of the Reef and we continue to maintain our Lores and customs through custodial responsibilities and obligations.  Country is sick and having a seat at others' tables in decision-making spaces is not enough – we also need our own tables. We have participated in good faith over many decades in continuous advisory bodies and planning process, which have informed numerous strategies and plans driven by government. Now, we have our own Plan – the Reef 2050 Traditional Owner Implementation Plan, which collates and builds on significant work undertaken by those who have come before us and sets out how we will achieve our aspirations for the future. This year, we have established a Reef Traditional Owner Taskforce – a steppingstone to the Sea Country Alliance which will carry us into the future. We are forging a way towards more holistic and inclusive ways to formal governance and coordinated management across the Reef and Catchments, building more effective partnerships that empower Traditional Owners to lead, co-design and co-deliver programs, identifying ways to drive investment, and importantly, telling our own stories.