Poster Presentation 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Victoria's Marine and Coastal Strategy 2022 - two years into a whole of state approach to marine and coastal management  (#690)

Rebecca Price 1 , Tarryn Coward 1
  1. Land Environment Policy , Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

The Marine and Coastal Strategy 2022 is an example of what can be achieved by bringing together rightsholders, land managers, government and communities to develop a statewide strategic plan for management of the marine and coastal environment.

By bringing together a diverse range of voices to develop the Strategy, the resulting document contains actions and outputs that reflect the multidisciplinary nature of marine and coastal management and the broad range of values found in the marine and coastal environment. These actions are:

  1. Traditional Owners determine how their rights and obligations are embedded into planning and management of the marine and coastal environment
  2. Improve the condition and ecological connectivity of habitats and respect and care for our marine and coastal areas
  3. Adapt to climate change
  4. Support sustainable use and development of the marine and coastal environment
  5. Implement the Marine Spatial Planning Framework
  6. Identify resource needs for sustainable marine and coastal environment

This presentation will outline the challenges and opportunities of developing the Strategy and the progress that has been made in the two years of implementing the Strategy.