Speed Presentation 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

The High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy: A brief history and its significance in sustainable ocean planning in Australia. (#35)

Andrew J Sullivan 1
  1. University of Tasmania, Hobart, TASMANIA, Australia

My PhD research examines the origin and operation of the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy (the Ocean Panel) as a case study of ‘novel governance for a changing ocean’. Through key-informant semi-structured interviews with the engineers of this global multilateral initiative, I have gained unique insights into the motivation for, and formation of, the Ocean Panel. These insights provide important context for the development of Australia’s Sustainable Ocean Plan, a key commitment of all Ocean Panel member countries, and due for implementation in 2025. Australia’s Sustainable Ocean Plan will be a critical foundation for the futures of a sustainable ocean economy.

As an introductory session in this symposium, my presentation will intersect with the symposium keynote presentation from Dr Russell Reichelt, Australian Sherpa to the Prime Minister on the Ocean Panel. From here we intend to integrate all the symposium speakers around the theme of the multiple futures for sustainable ocean economy.