Poster Presentation 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

The Importance of Temperate Animal-Dominated Reefs for Fish Persistence and Productivity  (#637)

Danielle J Willis 1
  1. School of Biological Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington - Te Herenga Waka, Wellington, New Zealand

Animal-dominated reefs (ADRs) are complex habitats formed by sessile benthic organisms (e.g. coral) that host abundant communities of fish through functional roles such as prey refuge through three-dimensional habitats, food production through consumption of ADRs and nutrient cycling supporting prey for fish, and nesting grounds. Research is focused on coral reefs in tropical regions, leaving temperate ADRs understudied. With recent advancements in technology, humans are altering coastal environments through coastal infrastructure thereby removing and degrading natural marine habitats, including Wellington Harbour, New Zealand. I aim to understand the importance of recently discovered temperate ADRs (sponge) for fish persistence and productivity in Wellington, New Zealand. I conduct fish surveys through SCUBA and camera deployments to determine the species, abundance, body sizes, life stages and habitat use of fish that utilise. I also collect fish for gut content analyses and deploy benthic light traps to capture fish prey comparing the availability of different prey and what the fish are eating to determine their reliance on prey sourced within the ADR. Results can create baseline knowledge on the roles temperate ADRs provide, assisting better management decisions for marine habitat protection. Additionally, artificial reefs can be strategically developed to uphold similar functions. 



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