Poster Presentation 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Algae’s Journey Across the Changing Globe: the Australian National Algae Culture Collection (#626)

Kirralee G Baker 1 , Ros Watson 1 , Anusuya Willis 1
  1. Australian National Algae Culture Collection, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Battery Point, TAS, Australia

The Australian National Algae Culture Collection (ANACC), based in Hobart, is comprised of more than 1000 strains, spanning over 300 species of micro- and macro-algae, that have been sourced from tropical Australia to Antarctica. ANACC offers a range of services, including algae identification and characterization, and the supply of high-quality starter cultures (inter-) nationally.  As only one of two CSIRO living collections, ANACC is a unique resource of Australian biodiversity. ANACC plays a pivotal role in making this resource available to research- and industry-based end users, including being the major provider of (microalgae) feed strains to the Australian aquaculture industry. In an uncertain and changing future, ANACC’s trusted culture supply service provides valuable algae strains across research and industry and fosters resilience in our nation’s aquaculture industry.