Poster Presentation 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

The Minderoo Exmouth Research Lab (MERL): Hosting marine research for a future sustainable ocean. (#616)

Nikki De Campe 1 , Carly Keech 1
  1. Minderoo Foundation Exmouth Research Lab, Exmouth, WESTERN AUSTRALIA, Australia

The MERL opened in 2021 to facilitate and conduct impactful research to help navigate towards sustainable oceans. The laboratory is located on the doorstep of the World Heritage Ningaloo Reef and adjacent Exmouth Gulf. From here, research is conducted to help protect the marine environment and reduce uncertainties of climate change. For example, as coral bleaching increases, MERL has conducted heat stress experiments on adult coral fragments and larvae. In our sophisticated controlled environment room, organisms were subjected to simulated heat stress while controlling temperature to 0.1 degree, and lighting that mimics seasonal and lunar conditions. We extract and amplify DNA, to target specific DNA sequences in our on-site molecular lab ahead of off-site DNA sequencing. The objective is to investigate mechanisms behind coral resilience, and potentially inform future restoration efforts. In addition to our own research, we have partnered with 18 institutions, supported 31 diverse research projects, and hosted 112 scientists.  Minderoo Foundation has donated AU$490k of in kind support through use of experimental aquaria, molecular labs, accommodation, vessels and an expert team of research support staff. During this time of unprecedented change, we invite you to work with us to navigate uncertainty towards a sustainable ocean.