Poster Presentation 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Harnessing the Spirit of Collaboration: Advancing Regional Report Cards for the Great Barrier Reef (#602)

Charlie Morgan 1 2
  1. Healthy Rivers to Reef Partnership, Mackay, QUEENSLAND, Australia
  2. Great Barrier Reef Foundation, Brisbane

Along the length of Australia’s UNESCO World Heritage listed Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, five waterway health partnerships, each representing a unique region with unique interests and values, work with a multitude of partners to make sense of an increasing volume of available waterway health data and to connect with their communities to disseminate information via regional report cards for informed decision-making. 

There is increasing scope for regional report card partnerships to serve as a place-based mechanism to understand local ecosystems and to connect with local partners. The Partnerships serve as conduits for direct communication and involvement with regional Reef communities, fostering stewardship within their partnership base and beyond.

This presentation will look at what regional report cards have achieved in more than a decade of operation, and consider where there is opportunity to grow, with case studies presented by Partner representatives who are also environmental leaders in their respective sectors.

  1. Costanzo, S. D., & Kirkwood, J. (2020). Waterway Health Report Cards: An Australian Perspective. Australian Water Partnership, Canberra.