Standard Presentation 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

The Powerful Potential of Philanthropic Partnerships     (#81)

Charlotte A Birkmanis 1
  1. Jock Clough Marine Foundation | Max Planck Society, Perth, WA, Australia

Let's be honest, getting funding for marine research can be a real challenge. But what if there was a hidden pool of support waiting for you to dive into?

That's where philanthropy comes in!

This presentation is all about demystifying the world of philanthropic funding and helping you build those game-changing partnerships. We'll dive into what makes philanthropists tick – what they care about and how to make your research resonate with their goals. Think of it as learning their language!

With insights from The Jock Clough Marine Foundation (who know a thing or two about funding marine research), you'll gain valuable insights on crafting compelling proposals and building strong and long-lasting relationships with your philanthropic partners. Get ready to expand your funding horizons, make a bigger splash in protecting our marine environment and embrace the power of philanthropy to build a brighter future for these vital ecosystems.