Workshop 2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) for marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (#2)

Andrew Lenton 1 , Elizabeth H Shadwick 1 2 , Tyler Rohr 2 3 , Erik van Ooijen 1 , Fabrice Jaine 4
  1. CSIRO, Hobart, TASMANIA, Australia
  2. Australian Antarctic Program Partnership, AAPP, Hobart, TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA
  3. IMAS, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TASMANIA, Austrlia
  4. IMOS, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

Title: Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) for marine Carbon Dioxide Removal

Principal Convenor: Andrew Lenton, Director CSIRO CarbonLock Future Science Platform (

Co-Convenors: observations/sensors (Erik van Ooijen and/or Elizabeth Shadwick, CSIRO), modelling (Tyler Rohr, IMAS), infrastructure (Fabrice Jaine, IMOS)

Rationale for workshop:  There is increasing interest in ocean-based, or marine, Carbon Dioxide Removal (mCDR) efforts around the world. We propose to bring together a community of marine and atmospheric scientists to discuss the needs and challenges for Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) for mCDR in the Australian and New Zealand context. We seek to engage the observational, sensor development, and modelling communities to discuss the current state of readiness for MRV, the required technological improvements, and the roadblocks in our region. We aim to explore the concept of an mCDR Test Bed, and the best ways to link observations and models for effective MRV, including quantifying impacts on the marine environment. 

Significance of workshop to conference theme: The theme of the conference is ‘Navigating Uncertainty for a Future Sustainable Ocean’ with the goal of discussing the latest research to guide society towards a sustainable future. It has been recognised that we will not meet the 2C warming targets without both significant decarbonisation and negative emissions, or CDR. A critical aspect of any proposed ocean-based CDR is MRV, both to ensure the efficacy of the carbon removal, and to ensure that risks to the marine environment are avoided or minimised. 

Experience of Principal Convenor: Andrew Lenton is the Director of CSIRO's CarbonLock which focuses on novel carbon dioxide removal technologies that is scalable, fast-acting, permanent and responsible. He brings over 20 years of experience modelling the global carbon cycle and climate, focusing on understanding past, present and future changes in the earth's system and exploring solutions beyond mitigation to address climate change. He has been involved in negative emissions and geoengineering research for over a decade.

List of Attendees: we will advertise broadly to our networks (including IMOS, CSIRO, NIWA, IMAS/UTAS, AIMS, UTS, U. Otago), and have a list of ~2 dozen colleagues who will be encouraged to attend.

Proposed Venue: Conference, half-day, potentially including lunch.

Expected Number of Participants: 15 to 30 people

Proposed Charge to Participants: none, sponsorship anticipated.

Preferred Timing: during the workshop

Potential Sponsors: CSIRO CarbonLock and Autonomous Sensing Future Science Platforms.