2024 Australian Marine Sciences Association Annual Meeting combined with NZMSS

Turning the tide: Empowering Action for Marine Conservation through Climate Communication (#1)

Yolanda Waters 1 , Tracy Schultz 1 , Angela Dean 1 , Jenn Loder 2
  1. University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, Australia
  2. Great Barrier Reef Foundation, Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia

Key words: Climate Change, Communication, Behaviour Change, Marine Conservation, Great Barrier Reef, Community Engagement


Rationale for workshop (max 250 words): 

Climate change poses the greatest threat to our marine ecosystems. The need for urgent action at many scales is clear, and yet multiple barriers exist for enabling action, including ways to enable community in mobilising change. Effective climate change communications is critical for building community understanding and a sense of agency around this complex topic. Yet, the art and science of inspiring action through communications is particularly tricky when navigating the nuances of public perceptions, uncertain futures, and diverse value-sets.

This workshop draws on lessons and learnings from communicating for community climate action on the Great Barrier Reef. Leveraging scientific insights into effective communication strategies, we will guide participants through a process to explore ways to craft messages that motivate diverse audiences to become champions for ocean and reef conservation.

Through an interactive half-day workshop, we will draw upon the experiences of behaviour change scientists, conservation not-for-profits and community groups working to apply these principles, and invite workshop participants to share their own experiences. Workshop participants will gain skills and tools, based on scientifically proven principles of effective climate communication, to navigate tricky conversations surrounding climate change, transforming awareness into action, and fostering a community of powerful spokespeople dedicated to protecting our marine ecosystems from the impacts of climate change.

Following the workshop, participants will be sent a summary document capturing the key insights and outputs from the day. This will serve as a resource for further reflection and action, enabling participants to continue on their journey towards more effective climate messaging and marine conservation efforts.

Significance of your workshop to the conference theme (100 words): 

This workshop sits at the intersection of communication and ocean conservation, directly aligning with the conference theme of "Navigating Uncertainty for a Future Sustainable Ocean." As we face the warmest year on record, and record-breaking marine heatwaves globally, the urgency for communication that motivates action has never been greater. By equipping participants with the tools to effectively communicate with communities against the backdrop of a changing climate, this workshop aims to transform uncertainty into action and allow scientists, policy makers, managers, and practitioners to navigate those difficult but necessary conversations with the broader community.  

Experience of the principal convenor in the symposium content (100 words): 

Yolanda is a marine social scientist, community organiser and ocean advocate. She recently completed her PhD in climate change communication with the University of Queensland. Her research explores the diverse connections between people and iconic marine ecosystems, such as the Great Barrier Reef, and whether these connections provide a unique pathway for strengthening public engagement with climate action. She currently hosts climate change communication workshops with tourism operators and dive staff along the Great Barrier Reef through Divers for Climate.

List of attendees you are encouraging as a way to set the direction of your workshop: 

This workshop is ideally suited for practitioners (scientists, managers, tourism operators, citizen science organisations, policy makers) charged with the crucial role of conveying climate information to communities to spark meaningful action.

Proposed workshop venue (optional): Conference venue – half day. 

Expected number of participants: 30

Proposed charge to participants (e.g., covering room hire approx $400/day and refreshments/lunch, audio visual needs, etc.): Nil. 

Preferred timing of workshop (before, during or after conference): Before or during. 

Potential sponsors for your workshop: The partnership between the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation will support workshop expenses, up to a maximum of $1,000. It is important to note that this financial support is not sponsorship but is intended to directly facilitate capacity building opportunities. Should this arrangement present any concerns or challenges, please contact us.